Canyon Creek Elementary School


Address / Phone / Fax:
21400 35th Ave. SE, Bothell, WA 98021  / 425-408-5700 (phone)  /  425-408-5702 (fax)

Attendance Line: 425-408-5710 or


Principal: Bruce Denton, 425-408-5700

Assistant Principal: Brandi Doyle, 425-408-5700

Assistant Principal: Nico Bonder, 425-408-5700

Dean of Students: Laurie Powers, 425-408-5700

Office Manager: Sue Hanson, 425-408-5701

Secretary - Registrar: Terri Jaenson, 425-408-5703

Health Room: Susan Monette-Czarnecki, 425-408-5706

Health Room: Lisa Nenno, 425-408-5706


Did you know that Canyon Creek Elementary has a school song written by our very own Mrs. Bourne?
Well, we do and here it is:

Here is a place where I know I'm welcomed, challenged to learn and to try.
Here is a place where I know I'll find friends, greeting me as I walk by.
Canyon Creek is the school for me.
At Canyon Creek I can reach high!
Canyon Creek, raise your voices strong!
You can hear us now, our coyote howl!