New Event!

Mark Your Calendar!

Canyon Creek PTA is excited to bring you a fun new morning event with coffee and pastries - and our principals! Mr. Denton & Ms. Airhart will join us to chat and answer questions. This is an informal event with no presentation or agenda. Come enjoy a pastry and a cup of coffee (or bring your own, if you prefer)!

We have scheduled two "Pastries & Principals" events for this year, so far. Mark your calendars!!

  • Friday, September 27th, 9:10-10am
  • Friday, December 6th, 9:10-10am

This is a great opportunity to socialize with other parents, ask us (PTA) questions or chat with our principals.

** Please make sure to sign in at the office and get a visiter sticker before coming to the cafeteria. **



Pasteles y Directores

Canyon Creek PTA tiene el agrado de presentar un nuevo evento divertido de mañana con café, pasteles - y nuestros directores! El Sr Denton y la Srta Airhart nos acompañarán para conversar y atender preguntas. Este es un evento informal, sin presentación y sin agenda. El viernes 27 de Setiembre a las 9:10am, únase a disfrutar un pastel y una taza de café (o traiga el suyo si así prefiere).

** Asegúrese de registrarse al llegar y de tomar un Sticker de Visitante antes de ir a la cafetería!


Pastries & Principals

Canyon Creek PTA is excited to bring you a fun new morning event with coffee and pastries - and our principals! Mr. Denton & Ms. Airhart will join us to chat and answer questions. This is an informal event with no presentation or agenda. On Friday, September 27th, 9:10am, come enjoy a pastry and a cup of coffee (or bring your own, if you prefer)!

** Make sure you sign in and get a Visitor Sticker before you come to the cafeteria!