Calling All Canyon Creek Elementary Art Docents!

Training Opportunity & Feedback Forums

Training Opportunity

Join NSD for a hands-on art training on Friday, February 28th from 1-3:30pm. It is a great opportunity to meet other art docents at other schools and learn new skills to use in the classrooms.
To register and learn more details,

Feedback & Planning Session

Are you interested in helping shape the Art Docent Program? Join NSD for a feedback and planning session based on the topic(s) of your choice. NSD will offer a variety of topics over the next year as we continue to develop additional lessons for art docents to use in their classrooms. You do not have to be an expert to join in the conversation!
  • Art Docent forum: Kindergarten/First Grade Frameworks (Wednesday, February 12th, 10-11:30am)