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Canyon Creek PTA - Book Swap

We need your help!

Canyon Creek PTA is hosting a "Book Swap"! Students/families have donated new or used books -- and PTA also purchased additional books to ensure EVERY student will receive a book before summer break! All students will get some summer reading material!

The Book Swap will happen at school on Thursday, June 9th and Friday, June 10th during school hours. Each student will visit the Book Swap with their class and select one book.

We are really excited to be able to offer this event and to encourage an interest and love of reading for all of the Canyon Creek students.
We would really love some volunteers to help with the Book Swap.
Please help if you can. And remember, NSD Volunteer Approval is required.
Sign Up!
(Click button or this link.)
Questions about the event or volunteering?
Contact our PTA Literacy Chair: Mumtaz Zimbalist