Box Tops Collection Week Is February 3rd-7th!

The last label contest of the 2019-2020 school year, sponsored by the Canyon Creek PTA, is February 3rd-7th!

From February 3rd-7th, bring your Box Tops to school in a Ziploc bag with the teacher’s name on the outside. The class with the most labels will have a class party!

Check out the list of participating products!


**Please remember to trim the Box Tops - we do not need the entire packaging or wrapper included.

**Box Tops must include the expiration date. EXPIRED Box Tops CANNOT be submitted.  

Note that the Box Tops program is transitioning to a new way of collecting Box Tops - via an app! The existing Box Tops labels are still accepted while you can find them and they haven't expired. Find out about the new program!


Questions? Contact Canyon Creek PTA Box Tops Chair. Jenny Herbison at